Infant Feeding & New Mum Support
It is well known that Breastfeeding is the most natural, healthiest and affordable food source for newborn but regardless of breast or bottle feeding, the feeding of an infant is the first form of socializing and creates a fundamental bond between parent and child. However, from our attendees and the professional knowledge of our infant feeding support worker, we are also aware that a lot of this vital service has be cut. Formula milk companies are still promoting a culture of bottle feeding as the norm and it is perfectly fine if a mum decide to bottle feed. However, education is key to make a well-informed decision as formula can trigger allergies and other health problems, such as overweight in the future. Further bottle feeding does not mean feeding cannot be difficult. From the right amount of milk, to overfeeding and the baby not drinking enough, the issues can be similar to breastfeeding struggles. We are there to support Mum’s, regardless of Breastfeeding or Bottle feeding.
(Call to Action video - Baby Friendly Initiative ( The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes - Baby Friendly Initiative (